This string of words are certainly not new to you, are they? Of course, they’re not! It’s one of the best-known clichés around. I say it. You say it. We all use this cliche at certain points in our lives.


And now, I just can only imagine what might have prompted your selection of this particular set of words at the time when you used them. I can only imagine what might have fueled your choice. But if my guess is good enough, then we’ll all swiftly recognize “ONENESS” as being parent to the set of words under view.

Simply put; they ignite a sense of likeness or similarity between two entities. It is also suggestive of identity. I-D-E-N-T-I-T-Y! Now, this is the point where the issue lies:

✓. Who are you?
✓. Who, or perhaps what do you resemble?
✓. Who do you look like?
✓. What’s your identity in Christ?

In other words,

 “Like you, like who”? God? Money? Failure? Fear? Sickness? satan?

I’m sure “God” would be your quickest pick of the selection. But do you really resemble God? Do you reflect His FREE nature – His LIGHT and DOMINION nature?

“The Lord wraps himself in light as with a garment…” Psalm 104:2a (NIV)

ARE YOU A CHILD OF THE LIGHT? Well I know children of the light:

✓. They drive out darkness (darkness have no place where they are)
✓. They are no slaves to sin and satanic bondage
✓. They are not confined by any type of infirmity.
✓. They are free-living creatures.
✓. They are agents of freedom
✓. They live the life God wills for them.

And what do you have on you as a garment?

WHAT’S YOUR GARMENT? Or perhaps, what seems to be the garment you’re wearing? That’s for you to find out. But children who resemble their God; children who look like their God, wear light as though it were a garment.

Pause! If darkness has been your garment all this while, then be sure that LIGHT has come, and it will rip off that worthless garment. See the LIGHT of God: it drives away every degree of darkness and sets the nation free.

That light of liberation which is coming will surely envelop you. You’ll be washed and bathed with THE RAIN and clothed with the LIGHT of God’s nature, so that anyone who set eyes on you will say of a truth that you are.

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